What We Believe In

God created human beings as an expression of His infinite Love, and that He has called us to New Life in His Son Jesus Christ.    

The world as we know and experience it is not the world the way God created it.  The brokenness and suffering that pervade our world are not part of God’s original Plan for the human family, but the result of the selfishness and disobedience (what Christians refer to as “the Fall” of man).

We are Bible-believing but not fundamentalist in our interpretation of it.  The Scriptures are God-given and God-inspired documents that bear witness to the revelation of God in History.

Our Faith is based upon the authority of Revealed Truth, contained in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

We are informed by and continued to be formed within the Tradition of the Church Catholic , and as interpreted by the Fathers and ongoing witness of the Church Universal.  in her interpretation of the Bible; yet we recognize and welcome the place of human reason and experience in understanding those Truths.
