We are currently in the Season of Epiphany!

Saturday Evening Services @ 5:00 pm

 Sunday Services Rite I 8:00 am with Children's Homily & Sunday School

      Rite II 10:00 am with Hymns

   Please Join Us!

We invite everyone to Join us on the 1st Saturday Night of each month at the 76 Diner to have a community meal!

Coffee Hour & Sundae Sunday Held the 1st Sunday of Each Month at the end of Both Sunday Services!

                                                  If you are in need of assistance, need to talk, I am here to listen and assist you                                                                                                                           especially if you are finding it difficult to cope with the current situation.                                                                                                                                   Call/Text 518-879-6759 or Email: frjacob555@gmail.com                                                                          To Ensure Confidentiality please do not send posts or messages on Facebook
