Children's Sunday School

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

  • 10:00am Sunday mornings
  • Each class has a Teacher and an Assistant present
  • Class materials, craft supplies and snacks are provided
  • Parents are invited to come to their child’s class at any time

The Clergy, Vestry and staff of St. Matthew’s are dedicated to providing a safe and godly environment for our children as they participate in Church School activities. We have adopted and enforce the Diocese of Albany’s Covenant for Sexual Responsibility and follow the Episcopal Diocese of Albany Policies and Procedures for the protection of Children and Youth.  

A copy of the diocesan policy can be found:

Our Sunday School Teachers, Assistants and Nursery Helpers are required to attended the Diocesan workshop, Safeguarding God’s Children, and must sign the Diocesan Covenant and adhere to it at all times.

